Full ReportFull Report onclusion A volatile‡ shifting ­orld of regulator and economic pressures is driving drastic changes in the investment ‚anking industrˆ Banks need to a‚andon the mindset of plaing in all markets that characterised strategies prior to the 2””• financial crisis and realise that the reforming industr‡ despite its tighter margins‡ capital constraints and regulator oversight‡ can provide opportunities amidst the dislocationˆ ritical to ma‘imising the availa‚le opportunities ho­ever‡ is a more focused and disciplined approach to identifing the markets in ­hich to operate‡ ensuring a deeper alignment ­ith client needs‡ and continuall ‚uilding and re’‚uilding on e‘isting strengthsˆ €

Focus for Success | Full Report - Page 20 Focus for Success | Full Report Page 19 Page 21