Full Report haracteristics of the reforming industr ‹hen considered in total it is clear seven distinct ‚ut interoven that these pressures are intenseˆ From characteristics emerge‡ all of hich ‚anks a considered appreciation of the cumulative ill need to respond to as the ‚uild‡ and impact of the pressures outlined ‚elo‡ hone‡ their future strategˆ –see figure — Figure 4 haracteristics of a Reforming Industry Increased aƒital onstraints Intense Regulatory ‚versight ccelerated Product ommoditisation ignificant Regulatory rbitrage Reduced Proƒrietary Risk aking Integrated „lobal Marketƒlace Heightened omƒetition Source Accenture Research A idespread sŒueeŽe efficient in their capital allocationˆ Secondl‡ and the emergence of significant market on traditional sources certain asset classes and products tpes ill infrastructure opportunitiesˆ struggle to generate returns that e‘ceed ›eading investment ‚anks ill also have of profita‚ilit their cost of capitalˆ nder these changes‡ to contend ith reduced proprietary ris „an sources of the spectacular profits ‚anks should use return on risk’eighted taingŒ Reliance on principal activities that ‚anks en™oed up to 2”” have assets as the central measure of a ‚usiness as a source of revenues differs ‚eteen ‚een the direct target of national and line’s performanceˆ institutions‡ and remains somehat international regulators‡ sŒueeŽing Accelerated product commoditisation opaŒue‡ ‚ut hatever final form the ‚anks alread suffering from continued is also transforming large parts of the ‘¦olcker rule’ takes it ill significantl economic malaise investment ‚anking ‚usinessˆ ‹hilst curtail profita‚ilitˆ The stipulations are Increased capital constraints that ‚anks products and processes have alas likel to ‚e intricate and comple‘‡ ‚ut face ill radicall alter the strategic decision commoditised‡ technolog developments man ‚anks have reacted ‚ simpl making processˆ The Basel III accord are significantl accelerating the pace divesting funds and dismantling once underpins this ne focus on capital ‚ut the of commoditisationˆ This ill ‚e further priŽed proprietar trading positionsˆ headline percentages mask the scale of the accelerated in the immediate future for As risk taking shifts to the ‚u’side‡ changeˆ As ell as raising the reŒuired ratio‡ certain derivatives products folloing a investment ‚anks are likel to focus this agreement recali‚rates the calculations‡ num‚er of regulator mandates‡ hich efforts to take on risk through providing meaning‡ in dollar terms‡ the capital held on ill result in previousl attractive margins risk management solutions to clients ‚alance sheets ill increase sharplˆ This is in the most liŒuid derivatives –eˆgˆ Interest or managing their on e‘posure on ‚efore accounting for various national Rate Saps— collapsing at precisel the same a sophisticated‡ intra’da ‚asisˆ add’ons‡ additional reŒuirements for ¥’SIFIs time that huge investment is reŒuired in –¥lo‚al Sstemicall Important Financial the technolog reŒuired to trade themˆ Institutions—‡ or the impact of sovereign de‚t This is likel to lead to ‚oth a standardisation rite donsˆ This ill have to important of ‚u’side reŒuirements‡ as clients are effectsˆ Firstl‡ ‚anks ill need to ‚e more unilling to pa the price of specialisation‡
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