Full Report Introduction This is not an eas time to ‚e running an investment ‚ank‡ and the idea that an investment ‚ank could ‚e high performing is seen ‚ man as a distant dreamˆ The industr ­as facing significant challenges ‚efore the 2””• financial crisis struck ‚ut as the sovereign de‚t crisis gathers pace‡ the challenges and rate of change seem to ‚e acceleratingˆ This has resulted in a period of intense ‹hile these findings provide some transformation for the industr‡ in ­hich important lessons‡ it is clear that the ­orld the leading financial institutions are of investment ‚anking is fundamentall contending ­ith a litan of pressures changingˆ Banks are facing a unprecedented as the ‚attle to serve their clients in a arra of pressures‡ ­hich result in a profita‚le and sustaina‚le fashionˆ In light significant sŒueeŽe on profita‚ilit and an of this challenging and volatile environment‡ increasingl comple‘ marketplace‡ all under Accenture has conducted a stud aimed heightened competitionˆ learl‡ re’‚uilding at identifing the characteristics and a long’term strateg during this time of attri‚utes of high performance to help change and uncertaint is challengingˆ ‚anks understand ­hat the need to do To assist ­ith this process‡ this stud outlines to ‚e successful ‚oth through this time five ‚usiness models for the future‡ ­hich of change and in the futureˆ ­ill help ‚anks firstl to frame a strategic As part of this‡ ­e have conducted detailed planning e‘ercise‡ and secondl to ‚etter financial analsis of recent performance‡ understand the choices the need to make assessed the reforms facing the industr‡ and the conseŒuences of these choicesˆ and evaluated ­hat ‚anks ­ill need to Further‡ the models highlight the capa‚ilities do to ‚e successful in the futureˆ This reŒuired to ‚e successful‡ and ho­ these performance analsis has identified t­o var for different marketsˆ distinct categories of high performers‡ “o­ is the time for ‚anks to change their t­o ‘scale ­inners’ and a smaller cluster approachˆ The must face up to a more of ‘focused ­inners’ˆ This sho­s there have constrained environment and‡ as a result‡ ‚een multiple routes to high performance can no longer attempt to offer all things and that success is not necessaril to all peopleˆ Instead‡ the must take a dependent on scaleˆ The results have also more focused approach to ‚uilding an highlighted the importance of sta‚ilit‡ advantage in those markets in ­hich the ‚oth in terms of culture and strategic focus‡ can feasi‚l compete and ­hich remain in generating sustaina‚le performanceˆ relevant to their clientsˆ 3

Focus for Success | Full Report - Page 4 Focus for Success | Full Report Page 3 Page 5