Full Report Performance anatom “ot une‘pectedl in these trou‚led times‡ capital strength has also ‚een a ke driver The ‚alance of scores across each of the of high performanceˆ The a‚ilit of ‚anks performance dimensions varies across the to effectivel distri‚ute capital to ‚anksˆ Ho­ever‡ a num‚er of nota‚le profita‚le areas‡ to a‚sor‚ losses and to patterns have emergedˆ In particular‡ the provide a strong ‚ase for long’term‡ results sho­ that profita‚ilit‡ sta‚ilit‡ consistent performance is a clear capital strength and a mastering of risk competitive advantageˆ „easuring capital differentiate the ­innersˆ ounter to strength through the three pillars of analsts’ perceptions‡ our analsis sho­s capital adeŒuac — core tier € capital‡ that gro­th does not constitute a critical leverage and liŒuidit — the research element of performanceˆ Some of the ‚anks sho­s that ‚anks that recapitalised or that scored highl on overall performance have a large retail depositor ‚ase score ­ere a‚le to do so despite coming in the highl‡ and that the ‘scale ­inners’ have ‚ottom Œuartile for gro­th‡ ­hile some of demonstrated good control over leverageˆ the leading performers for gro­th ­ere not amongst our overall high performersˆ The results should provide grounds for learl‡ ­hilst gro­th num‚ers gra‚ the optimismˆ High performance must ‚e ‚uilt headlines each Œuarter‡ the are not from a sustaina‚le ‚ase‡ ‚oth in terms of necessaril the ke performance indicator capital and culture‡ ‚ut ­hile scale can over the longer termˆ deliver high performance‡ it is onl one pathˆ Product and service differentiation Achieving sta‚ilit has ho­ever ‚een remain ke attri‚utes‡ and ‚anks must sho­n to ‚e a ke marker of high appreciate their inherent strengths and performanceˆ Interestingl‡ in a reflection relative positioning to use this to ‚reak out of the market conditions‡ onl three ‚anks of the middle groundˆ All this must ‚e done managed to generate positive total returns ­ith a recognition of ho­ the game is to shareholders –TRS— over the entiret of changing as the industr reforms‡ to ensure the periodˆ Further analsis has sho­n that that the choices ‚anks make appropriatel success of the top performers in this address the challenges the faceˆ categor highlights the necessit of ‚uilding a loal client ‚ase‡ a dependa‚le pool of talent‡ and a consistent culture to help an organisation move to­ards high performanceˆ †

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