ACT LIKE THE TOP 10% 03 Recognize data as being both an asset and a liability Out of the 28 technologies we surveyed companies about, brand reputation and regulatory compliance. Ninety-four respondents ranked “technologies associated with real-time percent of Leaders have a systematic way of managing AI in a data capture and analysis” as the most important to responsible/ethical manner, compared to 49% of Laggards. transforming/improving their business processes. Again, Leaders are ahead of their peers. Bonnier AB, a large media group with more than 180 companies, wanted to achieve full compliance with the Leaders ensure data quality, creating security measures that European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation anticipate threats and building ethically responsible (GDPR)—a tall order, given that each of these companies frameworks for managing data and AI. This establishes a managed its own IT systems.5 90% virtuous cycle of data creation and consumption, because quality is always improving. Against a tight timeline, Bonnier AB implemented an automated solution for GDPR compliance that included They don’t rely on unverified or biased data to make decisions advanced pattern-matching and machine learning techniques and instead take steps such as using AI itself to detect biased to automatically discover personal data across its systems. algorithms. Only 40% of Laggards ensure data quality, but 90% It also brought together the company’s disparate data of Leaders do. And while just 54% of Laggards continue to sources and deployed a machine-led compliance solution of Leaders enrich their data, 90% of Leaders are doing so. (See Figure 10) to help two of its key business units achieve compliance continue to at speed and scale. As a result, 94% of Leaders trust that the data at their disposal enrich their data. is reliable enough to drive business change, compared with Now Bonnier can scan personal data throughout the data 64% of Laggards. Misuse of employee or customer data can lifecycle. It is also able to use powerful visualization of result in a very costly loss of trust, and incorrect decisions Personally Identifiable Information (PII) through Knowledge borne of bad data and analytics. Graphs to unlock deep insights from its data landscape. These insights enable the company to develop new offerings, reduce Figure 10 AI must gain the trust and confidence of the people who use it inefficiencies and find new growth opportunities—turning a to avoid the risk of adverse effects on business performance, compliance-led data program into a competitive advantage. Future Systems 20