EXECUTIVE SUMMMARY Strategic use of Future Systems can give your company a clear advantage 80% of success is just showing up, right? Think again. competitors. Simply showing up—adopting the Laggards often adopt technologies—does not guarantee success. technologies as individual Today’s C-suite is making significant investments in new technologies. Yet they are not necessarily achieving full To crack the code on scaling innovation and closing the point solutions without a value. They’re deploying technologies in pockets, or achievement gap, we collected data from companies strategy for enabling systems silos, of their organizations, without a strategy for scaling across three categories: 1) the adoption of key the innovation from these technologies across the technologies, 2) the penetration of technologies adopted that can achieve enterprise- enterprise. Unable to scale their innovation, they’re not and 3) organization and culture. We then scored them on wide, game-changing realizing the full benefits of their technology these factors, calling companies in the top 10% investments. “Leaders,” and those in the bottom 25%, “Laggards.” innovation. While they This is creating what we call the innovation achievement Just how successful are the Leaders compared to the might have pockets of gap—the difference between potential and realized value Laggards? Leaders are seeing more than 2X the brilliance, they can’t from technology investments. For executives who are revenue growth of Laggards. maximize the value achieved. under relentless pressure to change and grow, it’s frustrating to make these investments and still fall behind Future Systems 3