About the authors Bhaskar Ghosh Adam Burden James Wilson Dr. Bhaskar Ghosh is group chief executive—Accenture Adam Burden is Accenture’s Chief Software Engineer. He H. James Wilson is managing director of IT and Business Technology Services. In this role, he directs strategy and leads Accenture’s Intelligent Software Engineering Services Research at Accenture Research, where he leads global investments for Accenture Technology Services, and leads organization, which includes 35,000+ software and system research programs on the impact of technology on work. platforms, products, global technology delivery and engineers. In this role, he oversees strategy and operations, Wilson is co-author of the best-selling book Human + intelligent cloud and infrastructure services. His focus is to client services in the areas of technical architecture and Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI (Harvard enable enterprises to embrace digital disruption, drive custom systems engineering and the incubation of next- Business Review Press). He is author or contributing author growth through innovation and reinvent their application generation capabilities related to blockchain, augmented of eight books on the impact of technology on work and portfolio. Ghosh and his organization help enterprises reality and other disruptive technologies. society, including most recently, AI, Analytics, & The New transform their business through the adoption of New IT, Machine Age (HBR Press 2019) and How to Go Digital (MIT spanning strategy, technologies, architectures, platforms, During his 27-year career at Accenture, Burden has been Press 2019). methods, organization and operating models. part of numerous pioneering engagements, including serving as lead architect for the world’s largest wholesale Wilson wrote “The Jobs Artificial Intelligence Will Create,” Under Ghosh’s leadership, Accenture Technology Services electricity market. He is a certified Solution Architect and MIT Sloan Management Review’s #1 Most-Read article of has rapidly rotated to the New. More than 180,000 Master Technical Architect with specializations in legacy the year, and is a longtime contributor to The Wall Street Accenture Technology people have been trained around the modernization, cloud native applications, DevOps, Journal and HBR. His latest HBR article is “The Future of AI world in New IT, including automation, Agile development automation engineering and enterprise architecture. He Will Be About Less Data, Not More.” and intelligent platforms. Ghosh has been awarded patents has also held both client and technical account in multiple areas, including IT automation. He is a member of leadership positions. the Accenture Global Management Committee. Twitter: @DrBhaskarGhosh Twitter: @adampburden Twitter: @hjameswilson Future Systems 2