THINK LIKE THE TOP 10% 02 Adaptable: Leaders believe decoupling Adaptable systems learn, improve, and scale enables adaptable systems by themselves, eliminating the friction that 100 100 hinders business growth and helping humans make better decisions, much faster. 80 Powered by advances in cloud, data, and intelligent technologies, LEADERS those with adaptable systems aren’t fazed by change. The companies we surveyed understand how self-learning systems enable strategic 60 80% agility: Eighty-three percent want systems that allow them to pivot to new directions. Key markers of adaptable organizations include enterprise-wide use of 40 automation and AI, a continuous data supply chain in the cloud to power AI in the enterprise, and a stable but modular, flexible, LAGGARDS decoupled and constantly evolving architecture. (See Figure 5) 20 40% 0 Figure 5: More than 80% of Leaders agree that decoupling the entire IT stack is a key step toward adaptable systems, compared to less than 40% of the Laggards. Future Systems 14