Fourkeyareaswilldemandbanks’ immediateattention This letter is not about business continuity planning. Rather, we want to get specific about the likely impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the retail and commercialbankingindustryandhopefullyofferausefulchecklistofissuesto beaddressedandinitiativestobeconsidered. Accentureisalreadyengagedinhelpingmanyofourclientsstandupvirtual work environments. For example, over the course of a single week, we helped a client get morethan60,000staffontotheMicrosoftTeams platformtoallowthemtoworkremotely.Everydaytherearemorestoriesof organizationsdoing extraordinary things to pivot their businesses towards different types of operatingmodels. We are also eating our own cooking. Most Accenture staff are working from home, including more than 60 percent of our Technology Delivery Center professionals in India and the Philippines. We were already the world’s largest user of the Teams collaboration platform, but over the last week our usage has jumpedtoover30million minutes per day. If you’re interested in how Accenture is responding to this crisisby expanding remote work, read our report on the Elastic Digital Workplace. 4 COVID-19: Open letter to retail and commercial banking CEOs