Commercialaswellasindividualclientswillremember for a long time how they are treated during the next 6 to 12 months (see our new Purpose-Driven Bankingresearch report on the impact of trust on growth). So, banks need to give very careful consideration to their approach to credit resolution, as contractual and legal requirements are only one element of the equation. That being said, there will be areas where credit extensions and flexibility are not Clients will enough. In these sectors, where banks hold substantial prime creditor positions, they should immediately mobilize and stand up restructuring units to anticipate step-ins and find ways to implement “business hibernation” programs that will protect the remember for a valueofphysicalsecurityinwhatmaywellbeafire-salemarketformanyassetclasses. longtimehow Where supply chains are tightly integrated, the impact may be amplified or passed on to the weakest link in the chain. It may therefore be necessary to re-purpose credit research capacity, reinforcing middle offices to analyze network impacts or they are treated commission analytics-as-a-service providers to map and identify potential points of failurebeforechainreactionsbegintohappen.Inmanycases,theextensionoftrade during the next 6 creditfromthestrongesttotheweakestlinksinthesupplychainmaybethequickest andmosteffectivewayofinjectingcapitalintothesystem.Banksneedtobeprepared to 12 months to increase working capital lending to the strongest players to allow them to activate thistypeofcreditnetworkeffect. 11 COVID-19: Open letter to retail and commercial banking CEOs