The time to act is Now As CFOs attempt to safeguard total enterprise liquidity in this time of crisis, they should ensure they have two capabilities supporting the core of finance and liquidity management activities: 1. A liquidity control tower An effective approach to managing liquidity, risk, and The liquidity control tower operations requires the finance team to create and An agile group of cross-functional, maintain a liquidity control tower that provides an interdisciplinary teams aligned with the enterprise’s leadership with a single view of all aspects of chief financial officer, a liquidity control liquidity, linking information related to receivables, tower is empowered to collect, interpret payables, inventory, risk, taxes and cash flow, through and act upon data in collaboration with a 360-degree governance framework. other core corporate functions and lines This helps establish targets and develop action plans, of business. communicate and coordinate with operations, drive needed change and allocate resources. The liquidity control tower also helps the CFO manage risk and communicate effectively with banks, the investment community and other business stakeholders on measures taken and their impact. 6 Managing Total Liquidity in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis Copyright © 2020 Accenture. All rights reserved.