Within 30 days Within 60 days Partner with organizations that can help deliver rapid digital credit Integrate tactical commercial digital engagement solutions into origination at scale. Software providers can help banks quickly stand up the broader IT stack as solutions come on stream and immediate ready-to-go, out-of-the-box solutions to meet market demand quickly demand becomes manageable. This can help a bank to address both with minimum barriers to entry. Technology firms that are well-versed temporary and longer-term needs, while maintaining a digitally- and experienced in specific technology solutions can enable decoupled architecture. rapid deployment. Extend your existing retail banking digital offering infrastructure to Establish the future state of tactical solutions. This will entail deciding commercial customers to provide very basic and minimal self-servicing whether to improve, keep, or remove any of the resources, process, functions, enabling more autonomy and reducing menial tasks for and technology changes implemented in response to the health relationship managers. This includes duties like viewing balances, crisis. Consider how these changes may be integrated into the categorizing transactions, making payment notifications, and analyzing broader picture once the pandemic passes. cashflow. Doing so will help lighten the workload on relationship Develop appropriate change materials for broader rollout and managers and contact centersthat are being bogged down in the crisis adoption outside of the cross-functional center of excellence and with a flood of requests from large and small business customers. optimize value by determining how the wider audience can adopt Create tactical commercial digital offerings that can handle credit this change into everyday business. requests, focusing primarily on the products that are backed by government stimulus plans and electronic document management. This will help ease the interaction between applicants and relationship managers. 14 Copyright © 2020 Accenture. All rights reserved.