We’re in a period of profound change. Technology, Figure 1 consumer preferences and climate change are driving Total Enterprise Reinvention massive structural shifts in how the world operates. These extraordinary times call for an unprecedented response and a reinvention of the enterprise. Yet, Accenture research finds that only 8% of organizations are moving to Total Enterprise Reinvention (Figure 1). Total Enterprise Reinvention is a deliberate Ser strategy that aims to set a new performance frontier for Mark vice s organizations and, in most cases, the industries in which eting inance ce they operate. F sour Human e e r ltur an Sale cu d p Optimizing operations is an essential step. When s le, urp egal op o L operations are at peak performance, business outcomes e S se O P e Busine I c p can flourish. Our latest research shows that a handful of h u t A r t i ss units t ormation i organizations—we call them operations reinventors—are w y Inf m o technology i already rising to the challenge. r z g e Build e C o ta digital Sour p r w business at core ol cing & e Ne a u pr r e ocur l model D d ement a ec oit cA P S sn s & latforms upply chain ger ations Mer Engineering & acquisitions manuf ate ategy S acturing str functionsspecific Industr ust Corpor ch & ainability ar ese elopment y R v enting Enterprise Oper de v ein R 04

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