By balancing six capability measures of Our operations reinventors also create greater 360° value*: operations maturity, organizations can accelerate the move to reinvention and enable growth for the whole enterprise. We find that some organizations are leading 1.4x 2.2x 42% 34% the way, while others have stalled in the early stages of their journey. higher operating greater total better at agile product better at reducing energy (EBIT) margins shareholder return and process innovation consumption and 9% 18% (three-year) greenhouse gas emissions of organizations of organizations have a unique remain in the ability to reinvent lowest levels of enterprise maturity with We used econometric operations and limited modeling to analyze the drive 360° value (up incremental 30% 25% 19% organizations we surveyed from 7% in 2021) optimization on 22 different publicly reported performance indicators. The results show ations that operations reinventors better at driving better at providing better at driving talent are creating substantially customer engagement equal opportunities to management programs higher 360° value than while ensuring women and minorities that ensure better organizations at the customer data privacy in the workforce employee engagement insight-driven level. enting Enterprise Oper v ein *See glossary for full definition R 06

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