Thriving in this moment will require ambitious leaders not content to rehabilitate the business to what it was, but willing to upend conventionandwieldtheirvisionforthefuture. From the workforce, to supply chains, to technology, the coworking market. And as advertising spending Health Service dispelled perceptions of just how operating, and business models, leaders have spent globally beganto drop, Spotify saw the threat posed fast technology transformation needs to take. decades building systems for static purposes, where 15 The company to its ad-supported business model. In a matter of weeks, they rolled out Microsoft change happened slowly and expectedly. But today quickly took steps to begin buying and developing 16 Teams to 1.2 million employees. success is coming to those with the audacity to premiumcontent todrive uppaidsubscriptions— reimagine itall. a strategic shift that moved them from licensing If you had asked a manufacturer what it would andaggregation to production and trendsetting. take to pivot from producing cars to medical In the last year enterprises were forced to confront equipment, they likely would have argued it was deep-seated assumptions about how fast the In isolation this looks like enterprises temporarily nearly impossible. But when the UK faced a critical organization can pivot, where or how work gets responding to crisis, but their willingness to challenge shortage of ventilators, Rolls-Royce demonstrated done, even what they sell and to whom. While some the core value proposition of the enterprise is setting thetrue capacity enterprises have for change. The froze, watching their old convictions crumble, others a new standard for the future. While many companies luxury car manufacturer redesigned its entire supply shattered the bureaucracies and assumptions are still waiting for the new normal to emerge before chain to begin producing this desperately needed holding them back—becoming theleaders that them—others arealreadybuildingit. 17 Within five weeks, the company medical device. everyone will follow. The Red Roof hotel chain took had secured the new parts needed from across 100 reduced demand for travel, but an increase in remote Before the pandemic, if you asked an executive different suppliers, orchestrated operations across work, as an opportunity to book rooms as daily how long it would take to deploy a new three sites, and production was underway. workspaces.14As more companies start to see a communications platform across the company, return to the office as an option, not an inevitability, doing it in less than a year would feel like a stretch. RedRoof haspositioneditselfas achallengerin ButinMarch 2020theUnited Kingdom’sNational

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