When push comes to shove, leaders don’t see There is a temporary vacuum as people, employees, change as disruption—they embrace it as an customers, and partners all continue to establish a 83% opportunity to build something new. But bold actions newsetofpreferences for thenextnormal.Boundless will fall flat without the technology foundation opportunitylies ahead for the enterprises willing of executives agree that their needed to support their ambition. Enterprises that to break from the mentality of “that’s how we’ve organization’s business and pair big ideas with powerful technology will turn always done it” and become part of crafting what technology strategies are becoming change-readiness into a competitive competency, comes next. This could be reinventing the customer inseparable—even indistinguishable. notareluctant accommodation. experience in your industry, reimagining how data flows across the enterprise and its partners, or For example, as the Geisinger Health System learned fostering the advantages of a virtualized workforce— more about the COVID-19 pandemic, it prioritized evenwhensocialdistancingisnolongeranecessity. accelerated investments inAPI modernization and microservices architecture.18 With the agility But the wide-open opportunity also means and scalability it gained, the company was able to competition has never been fiercer. Every company, seamlessly move from supporting 27 remote visits a fromstart-ups to traditional competitors, is facing daytomorethan1,000;doubleitsremoteworkforce those same disruptions, and introducing their own to 13,000 employees; and build a digital screening vision of the future all at once. It’s not enough to system and companion dashboard that allowed keep pace anymore—to lead, enterprises must administrators to view patient population data in becomepioneers. real time, reduce waits and crowding, and ensure safe social distancing protocols.