Foryears,enterpriseshavebeenoptimisticintheir self-assessments,thinkingthey’refurtheralongin theirdigitaltransformationsthantheyreallyare. 2–3x Adaptability, innovation, connectedness—pick a Forced to recognize this deepening digital metric and businesses asserted they were leaders achievement gap, companies began to compress revenue in the space, ready for anything. But 2020 and their decade-long transformation agendas into the COVID-19 health and economic crisis cleared two to three-year plans. Leaders pivoted to focus their rose-colored glasses, bringing a new reality onbuilding a digital core that would allow them growth into sharp focus: Inflexible work arrangements and to simultaneously transform multiple parts of operations. Fragile supply chains. Untrustworthy their enterprises and their talent. In essence, they A recent study revealed that digital information. New customer needs. The pandemic beganlookingattechnology asasavinggracein leaders (the top 10 percent of and the resulting disruptions exposed the anunpredictable time, allowingthem to accelerate companies leading technology limitations of long-standing norms for how their efforts to minimize the disruptions of the innovation) achieve 2–3x revenue companies operate andhowpeoplelive. pandemic. Amid this chaos, enterprises not only growth as compared to their pivoted faster than they believed they could, they competitors—a widening divide started demonstrating the adaptability, innovation, that Accenture calls the “Digital and connectedness that they thought they’d AchievementGap.” 1 already achieved.