This journey of reinvention, however, has only just The single biggest reinvention of industry in living begun. The pandemic radically accelerated changes memory has been ignited. People and the world that companies knew were coming but didn’t expect need leaders who will look beyond today’s triage to see so soon. Major shifts that were predicted to effort and start building what comes next. While it materialize in years are happening here and now: industry will be tempting for companies to retreat to what convergence, localized supply chains, mass virtualization, they know, 2020 brought the need for a different and rapidly and continuously changing customer path forward into clear focus. If businesses continue expectations. But, while immediate changes are clear, to have a clear-eyed perspective and sharp focus on there’s less clarity than ever into what our long-term their expedited digital transformations, reimagining future holds. everythingfrom their people, to data, architectures, andecosystems, they canemergeasleaders. We’re left with a global set of circumstances we’ve never seen before. On one hand, we have widespread and accelerated digital transformation coupled with the digital building blocks to create almost anything. On the other, wehave blankslatesinevery industry waitingforthe next vision of the future to be defined. Combined, it’s an opportunity we may never see again in this generation: to actively shape our future almost from the ground up. But this is a challenge that demands a new kind of leadership. Leading in the uncertain future will require companies tobecomeMastersofChange.