2019Trends DARQ Getto Human+ SecureUS MyMarkets Power KnowMe Worker toSecureME Meetconsumers’ Understanding Unlockunique Changethe Enterprisesare needs atthe theDNAofDARQ customers and workplaceorhinder notvictims, speedofnow New technologies are catalysts uniqueopportunities theworkforce they’revectors Technologyiscreating for change, offering businesses Technology-driven interactions Workforces are becoming human+: While ecosystem-driven business aworldofintenselycustomized extraordinary new capabilities. are creating an expanding Each individual is empowered by depends on interconnectedness, and on-demand experiences, Distributed ledger technology, technology identity for every theirskillsetsandknowledgeplus those connections increase and companies must reinvent artificial intelligence, extended consumer.Thislivingfoundation a new, constantly growing set of companies’exposurestorisks. their organizations to find and reality, and quantum computing of knowledge will be key to not capabilities made possible through Leadingbusinessesarerecognizing capturethoseopportunities will be the next set of new only understanding the next technology. Now, companies must thatjustastheyalreadycollaborate as they come. That means technologies to spark a step generationofconsumers, adapt the technology strategies withentireecosystemstodeliver viewingeachopportunityas change, letting businesses but also to delivering rich, thatsuccessfullycreated this best-in-classproducts,services if it’s an individual market— reimagineentireindustries. individualized,experience- next-generation workforce to andexperiences,it’stimesecurity amomentarymarket. based relationships in the supportanewwayofworking joinsthateffort aswell. post-digital age. in the post-digitalage.