2020Trends TheIin AIandMe TheDilemmaof Robotsin Innovation Experience Reimaginethe SmartThings theWild DNA Helpingpeople business through Overcomethe Growingthe Createanengine choosetheir humanandAI “betaburden” enterprise’s reach— forcontinuous ownadventure collaboration andresponsibility innovation Address the new reality Redesign digital experiences Takeanewapproach of product ownership in Build new models of Tap into the unprecedented withnewmodelsthatamplify thatusesartificialintelligence the era of “forever beta.” interaction and impact scaleofdisruptivetechnology personal agency. Turn tobringoutthefullpowerof Transform pain points asroboticsmovebeyond available today. Build the passive audiences into active people. Move beyond deploying into an opportunity to the walls of the enterprise. capabilities and ecosystem participants by transforming AI for automation alone and create an unprecedented Companies in every industry partnerships necessary to one-way experiences into pushintothenewfrontierof level of business– will unlocknewopportunities assemble the organization’s true collaborations. co-creationbetweenpeople customerpartnership. by introducing robots to the uniqueinnovation DNA. andmachines. nextfrontier: theopenworld.