Anywhere, BigTakeaways During the pandemic enterprises focused on making BYOE Everywhere work technologically possible, now they need to make it seamless and secure. Enterprises must address pain points BringYour OwnEnvironment today, or they will rapidly grow. It’s time for enterprises to transform remote work from an accommodation, With a BYOE strategy comes the opportunity to reimagine the to an advantage. During the height of the pandemic, enterprises ignited the biggest enterprise’s operating models. From increasing human-robot workforce shift in living memory by sending people home and doubling down on collaboration to accessing a truly global talent pool, technology solutions to keep them productive. In doing so, they have made work the potential benefits are vast. possible not just from home, but from anywhere. Opportunities abound for the businesses ready to rethink what their organization looks like and what it can achieve with a virtualized workforce model. But simply extending pandemic policies won’t be As enterprises shift to a BYOE strategy, their culture must enough. Leaders must now develop “bring your own environment” (BYOE) strategies, evolve too. This will be an ongoing process, but quick wins addressing the security ramifications of remote work, necessary cultural shifts, today include rethinkinghow employees communicate andtheevolvingpurpose ofphysicalofficespace. and working to ensure that remote and in-person employees are recognized equally.