Every business assumption and entrenched approach is up for review and reinvention toward people-centric models. Companies Leading in the future must reengineer the experiences that bring people and technology together; they must raise questions about the democratization will demand rethinking of data and technology, and they must reevaluate the application and value of intelligence—what technology is providing for people, and the ways it’s changing people in the process. core assumptions about This reimagination of the enterprise offers tremendous opportunity how an enterprise to those that take the lead. In every industry, companies’ current successes are happening in spite of their foundations, not because works and redefining of them. When leaders successfully rebuild their technology models to deliver the human focus they’ve lost, they will be poised to do far more than meet expectations. They’ll set the new standard that the intersection every competitor—in every industry—will be forced to try to meet. between people Getting there is the greatest challenge the C-suite will face during the next decade. The success of the next generation of products and technology. and services will rest on companies’ ability to elevate the human experience. None of the steps on the journey are incremental changes, nor are they as simple as finding the next technological tool to do what you’re already doing today. Leading in the future will demand rethinking core assumptions about how an enterprise works and redefining the intersection between people and technology.
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