Aging customization models are the root of the problem Businesses have built robust data gathering and analytics only 17 percent of respondents said they thought practices, which largely operate behind the scenes to personalized ads were ethical, and only 24 percent 66% 13 determine what customers want and deliver targeted said personalizing newsfeeds is ethical. personalization. But as businesses expand their experience delivery and customization capabilities, those behind- Demand is shifting. People want customized experiences, the-scenes techniques are inadvertently, but increasingly, but they don’t want their experiences overly determined pushing customers out of the equation, leading them for them without their knowledge. Customers are asking to feel out of the feedback loop to choose their enterprises to be their partners: working with them to own experiences. create experiences, helping them reach their goals and giving them the option to change the experience when Two-thirds of consumers What’s more, discomfort with the results of customization companies get it wrong. For businesses, this is an exciting (66%) report they are just is only part of the issue. People are also growing concerned new opportunity. More than just creating a personalized as concerned about the about some of the methods businesses use to get there. touchpoint for their consumers, they can begin building Recent security breaches and increased scrutiny have long-term partnerships and fostering customer loyalty. commercial use of their contributed to mistrust in data gathering practices and But it means sharing control and power in the relationship. personal data and online deteriorating attitudes toward black-box personalization. It’s a new model—cooperative experiences—and it’s based identity for personalization In RSA Security’s Data Privacy & Security Survey for 2019, around customer agency. purposes as they are about security threats and hackers.
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