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Technology Vision 2023 | When Atoms meet Bits #TechVision Managing the data deluge Data and connectivity generate the conditions for transparency—but they don’t guarantee From our health to our enterprises’ ability to manage it. In a June 2022 study, “Evolve Your Data Practices To Stay Ahead home, sensing technologies Of The Competition,” Forrester found that 79% of increasingly play an integral enterprise decision-makers believed their enterprise role in our daily lives. 138 struggles to “take insight-driven action in real time.” An underlying issue is that data within enterprises is often siloed—so it’s no surprise that when respondents were asked to name the top challenge in better using customer data, 56% stated the lack of integration between data sources. If your data infrastructure is already struggling with the massive 139 amounts of data it contends with, then it will only data as well as do other key data preparation tasks. buckle under the greater data load that is on Recently, for example, the restaurant reservation the horizon. company OpenTable used Clarifai’s auto-tagging feature to help employees moderate content in Enterprises need to start building their way out of images uploaded to OpenTable’s platform. After this data deluge if they hope to turn transparency integrating this auto-tagging, OpenTable noticed into trust. Emerging AI tools will likely play a its content moderation became 16 times more big role in your enterprise’s transition. They can productive; on average, each moderator jumped 140 autonomously aggregate, de-duplicate, and auto-tag from moderating 300 to 5,000 photos a day.

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