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TTechnology Vechnology Vision 2ision 2023 023 | When A | When Attoms meet Bitsoms meet Bits #TechVision Another technology that can bolster your data a hard time hearing games in the team’s stadium. strategy is a knowledge graph, which links related But the team’s management did not know where data points and visualizes those links. These graphs those fans sat to 昀椀x the game’s speakers there. So, often include semantic layers, or text descriptions the Seahawks turned to Tableau’s heat mapping 95% of the data, which make it easier to 昀椀nd what you tool. After inputting their Voice of the Fan survey need. Stardog partnered with NASA to build a data, four corners of the team’s stadium lit up in of global executives knowledge graph out of various data sources about Tableau’s visualization, showing where those fans agree new data the manufacturing of NASA’s Space Launch System who complained of poor sound quality sat. The architectures and rocket. So, instead of NASA engineers manually Seahawks could recon昀椀gure the stadium’s audio pulling in data, they could query a knowledge graph system without buying a new one, saving money strategies are required to get the data they sought, resulting in a ten-fold and improving fan experiences. 141 to manage the dramatic increase in their productivity. changes to their But isolated tools won’t be enough. Enterprises organizations’ data Importantly, emerging tools are allowing non- need to think top to bottom about their data engineers to tap into technologies in the data management. Fortunately, two emerging data landscapes. management toolbox as well, allowing your management strategies, data mesh and data fabric, enterprise to build a more data-forward company hold promise to revamp your enterprise. They culture. For instance, self-service analytics can let each have unique bene昀椀ts and differences, but employees, regardless of their technical background, underscoring both is streamlining and de-siloing explore your enterprise’s data to 昀椀nd insights. data architectures. This can both empower workers and help solve business problems. Take the Seattle Seahawks, a With data fabrics, the goal is to defragment 142 professional American football team. For years, an enterprise’s data architecture by leveraging the National Football League (NFL) Voice of the Fan automation and metadata to build a single source survey found that some Seahawks supporters had of truth across disparate data sources. It is a top-

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