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Technology Vision 2023 | When Atoms meet Bits #TechVision The company created a digital service for customers As businesses and governments around the world to share reviews of businesses—which is now a go-to continue to invest in digital transformation, these website for foodies, based on millions of restaurant windows are popping up everywhere. Look at the ratings and reviews from fellow diners. airline industry. For years, industry-wide data on 昀氀ying was scattered. But Cirium, an aviation-data It was an industry-altering move. Yelp changed marketplace, 昀椀gured transparency could improve how people 昀椀nd restaurants, how restaurateurs the way the industry is run. The company now get publicity, and how customers voice their quanti昀椀es and aggregates aviation data from 97% experiences at restaurants and other businesses of scheduled 昀氀ights worldwide, so customers can too. Research shows that a restaurant can increase track an aircraft’s usage and part wear, see real-time its revenue by 5% to 9% if its Yelp rating goes up 昀氀ight schedules of about 880 airlines, and even 昀椀nd 111, 112, 113 by one star—and even a half-star bump can help a emissions. a speci昀椀c 昀氀ight’s CO 2 109, 110 And restaurant sell out 49% more frequently. it’s all based on data that was already out there— Similarly, due to countless shippers, forwarding customers always had opinions, they just weren’t agents, and transportation companies behind the recorded or made accessible to this degree before. scenes, the freight industry has long struggled with black-box costs and price volatility. But the company What Yelp did is create a “window of transparency” Xeneta tackled this problem by aggregating millions —a clear, detailed, and expansive view into a piece of data points on ocean and air freight rates as well of the world around us. Beyond pure data, these as shipping lanes. Xeneta today analyzes more than windows can provide real insights into business 300 million freight rates, 160,000 port-to-port lanes, processes, consumers, market shifts, investments, 114 It uses and 40,000 airport-to-airport connections. corporate leaders, and entire industries. And today, that data to de昀椀ne benchmark rates at market value they’re shaking up more than just dinner plans. and shares those rates on its platform. Overcharging is easier to spot and stop as a result. Associated

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