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Technology Vision 2023 | When Atoms meet Bits #T#TechVechVisionision building AI applications, AI operations will shift from or creating teams dedicated to integrating these building models to building on top of models. Talent models into different parts of the business, bringing with the skills to take foundation models, adapt your wider organization into this new era of AI Whether it means them to business needs, and integrate them into is critical. training every employee applications will become increasingly important. on foundation model Just as the adoption of the cloud shifted business Foundation models are in their infancy, but over needs from talent with data center expertise to the next decade their impact will grow to be capabilities, or creating cloud architects, foundation AI is likely to reshape overwhelming. They could drive new data practices, teams dedicated to the nature of AI operations too. transforming the nature of knowledge sharing in integrating these the organization. They could be game-changing for models into di†erent Your talent strategy adjustments shouldn’t stop digital strategies, writing sophisticated code and there, however. Some of the biggest challenges powering novel offerings. They could transform parts of the business, with foundation models will be discovering the new strategy and business planning, forecasting bringing your wider possibilities they can bring to your organization and headcount needs or shifts in customer demand with organization into this then monitoring their output and behavior. And greater ease and accuracy than we can imagine. new era of AI is critical. with these models evolving quickly, it’s an ongoing And for those that build their own foundation challenge. This will need to be a cross-organization models, they could bring industry-shifting effort—and who better to discover how a process advantages—new tools for scienti昀椀c discovery, new can be improved or how an experience can be methods for engineering, or new industry-speci昀椀c elevated, and then supervise how a foundation AI agents. What if your business builds the model model is used to solve those challenges, than the that changes everything? people working on them? Whether it means training every employee on foundation model capabilities,

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