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Technology Vision 2023 | When Atoms meet Bits #TechVision correct for some of these biases. GPT-3, for instance, while in more advanced cases, developers might was given an extra round of training on a more leverage 昀椀ne-tuning to hone the foundation model curated dataset after religious bias was discovered.217 to a speci昀椀c application. This approach creates the But even so, businesses should carefully consider opportunity for wide experimentation throughout the risks like this when determining not only if they can organization, as well as the chance to develop B2B use a foundation model, but whether they should. foundation model offerings. As businesses narrow down where to use foundation But again, not everyone will want to do this. Even with models, they next need to decide how they will natural language offering an easy-to-use interface, access these models and where they will sit in some software engineering knowledge is needed to the foundation model ecosystem. The base layer successfully build applications around foundation of this ecosystem consists of organizations with models. Companies without those skillsets can still the expertise, access to data, and computing bene昀椀t from the technology though, and they make infrastructure to train new foundation models—but up the third layer of the ecosystem. In the wake of not everyone needs to function on this level. For OpenAI and others turning their models into platforms, many, decisions will be around how directly they a wave of companies have started offering new B2B work with pre-trained models. products and services. Whether they use foundation models to power B2B tools, enhance their own For instance, another layer of the ecosystem will be services, or build custom applications for clients, these companies that access foundation models via APIs companies are making it easier than ever for anyone to or model repositories and build on them to create capitalize on foundation model capabilities. their own applications and services. For simple applications, developers will be able to leverage the Finally, a third way businesses can start reworking transfer learning of foundation models by simply their AI strategies has to do with talent. As foundation building the UI and interconnects around the model, models emerge and offer a powerful baseline for

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