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Technology Vision 2023 | When Atoms meet Bits #TechVision continued to grow. People, assets, services and the The concept of a trusted, portable digital identity data we have access to are all predicated on strong across the web disrupts many of the conventions identity (knowing exactly who or what something is). we’ve come to accept. Tokenization, for instance, is How businesses ensure resilience, security, privacy, one of the most innovative technology trends that is consent and trust is inextricably dependent on the transforming how we authenticate ourselves, share quality of digital identity—and these are challenges data, own digital assets, and track physical things, that continue to plague enterprises today. While and it’s entirely predicated on the ability to reliably patchwork solutions have gotten us to this point, identify any person—or an y thing—in a trusted and achieving any further ambitions will require secure manner. solving the underlying problem. Only secure and trusted digital identity will let people frictionlessly authenticate themselves across any digital or physical environment, maintain 昀椀rmer control over the data they store and how it is shared, and alleviate concerns around security, privacy, and human factors like password fatigue. And for enterprises it could eliminate red-tape and reduce risk by having a more secure ecosystem for human and non-human entities alike. But importantly, early innovators in this space are now 昀椀nding that digital identity isn’t just about shoring up oversights of the past but also future- proo昀椀ng the enterprise for a world where data sharing and ownership is dramatically different.

When Atoms meet Bits - Page 27 When Atoms meet Bits Page 26 Page 28
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