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Technology Vision 2023 | When Atoms meet Bits #TechVision Characterizing the bene昀椀ts of foundation models Using foundation models for the right purposes engage with them. Frame, for instance, is using a starts with understanding what they truly change. large language model capable of generating code This goes beyond technical capabilities—it’s to help teachers design 3D metaverse classrooms about what these models let businesses do that simply by describing what they want in the room out 202 they couldn’t do before. There are two major loud. And they’re not the only ones thinking along these lines. Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, has also bene昀椀ts here. said he expects large language models to be a core First, they have the potential to deeply transform technology for generating 3D images and shapes to human-AI interaction. Look at how some are calling populate the metaverse.203 ChatGPT the future of search and knowledge 200 Another way foundation models are changing retrieval. It can write poems and essays, debug code, and answer complicated questions because human-AI interaction is by transforming how work is it’s trained on billions of examples of text pulled done. Google used a foundation model to develop a 201 from the internet. And it remembers previous code completion tool, which over 10,000 engineers 204 conversations, so it can revise or elaborate on tested for a three-month period. The results responses, making human-machine communication showed that coding iteration time was reduced more sophisticated and natural. by 6%. The potential of these models to transform work昀氀ows and improve productivity, even in highly This is important. Because many foundation models complex tasks, is undeniable. And soon, companies are (or contain) a large language model, they use may start to use them in much more varied ways, natural language as their interface. It’s a big part augmenting tasks all across product development, of why foundation models are giving rise to a new business processes, and more. generation of AI applications: people can easily

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