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TTechnology Vechnology Vision 2ision 2023 023 | When A | When Attoms meet Bitsoms meet Bits #TechVision TTodaoday they these changese changes ars are just ste just stararting tting to manifo manifeest,st, on a pron a proofoof-of-of-st-stakake blocke blockchain built bchain built by Py Polyolygon,gon, While Starbucks is more of a contained ecosystem so leso leaderaders has havve a chance te a chance to pull aheo pull ahead, lead, lead theirad their StStarbuckarbucks custs customeromers will be able ts will be able to collecto collect for now, is looking to introduce a competitcompetitorors, and shape what comes, and shape what comes nes next. Bxt. But neut neww unique tunique tokokens, stens, storore them in digite them in digital wal wallets, andallets, and similar paradigm across the web. fforms of digitorms of digital identity and the subsequent datal identity and the subsequent dataa eexxchange them fchange them for bene昀椀ts likor bene昀椀ts like vire virtual classetual classes,s, allows advertisers to allocate a dedicated amount parparadigms aradigms are gre groowing in popularity bwing in popularity by the day the dayy, so, so unique merunique merchandisechandise, or a trip t, or a trip to one of theo one of the of the company’s cryptocurrency ($ASK) to a lefleft unaddrt unaddreessed, businessed, businessesses les leaderaders will quicklys will quickly 7676 The cust The customer oomer owns theirwns their 78 Consumers can then earn compancompanyy’’s coffs coffee fee farms.arms. given ad campaign. ttokokens outright, so if theens outright, so if they dony don’’t wt want one of theant one of the varying amounts of the currency by opting into 昀椀nd themselv昀椀nd themselvees rs racing tacing to cato catch up tch up to a futuro a future thee theyy are unprepared and ill-equipped to engage with. bene昀椀ts, thebene昀椀ts, they ary are fre free tee to sell it on Odysseo sell it on Odysseyy’’s opens open data sharing or engaging with content. Consumers Already, some are experimenting with how digital markmarketplace tetplace to another custo another customeromer. It tr. It transfansforms theorms the have the freedom to do what they want with their identities allow them to approach data differently, ststandarandard lod loyyalty pralty progrogram intam into a community in whicho a community in which earned currency—either hold it, sell it on an open devising and executing new strategies that lean into the custthe customer is also a stomer is also a stakakeholder and has mucheholder and has much exchange, or be immediately rewarded by trading it the novel capabilities the technology presents. mormore contre control ool ovver what theer what they oy own. Stwn. Starbuckarbucks knos knowsws in on’s website for gift cards to major 79 Whereas its pilot is experimental but believes it’s an important brands like Domino’s Pizza and Nordstrom. Starbucks allows consumers to own a share in their Take Starbucks, which is exploring how digital 昀椀rst step to “[potentially] create an expanded, wallets can transform their loyalty program with a shared-ownership model for loyalty”—and to build loyalty, gives consumers a new ability 77 to own their data and attention. new NFT effort called Starbucks Odyssey. Based upon in future collaborations as well.

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