Consumers have high expectations for businesses to act responsibly Expectations for businesses % agree or significantly agree 67% Companies will use their government funding to first 68% benefit their employees and society of consumers agree or Companies will strengthen their business processes and 67% significantly agree that— operations to be able to respond better to future crises Companies will ‘build back better’ by investing in Companies will ‘build back better’ by investing 67% longer-term, sustainable in longer-term, sustainable and fair solutions and fair solutions. Coronavirus has strengthened the need for greater business 66% involvement in improving social and environmental outcomes Companies will work together to solve bigger challenges 65% (e.g. food availability, distribution and waste) Companies will create better products and services that 64% have a positive impact on society and our planet nd th Source: Accenture COVID-19 Consumer Pulse Research, conducted 2 -8 June. Source: Accenture COVID-19 Consumer Pulse Research, nd th conducted 2 -8 June. 7
COVID-19: How is the Retail Consumer Changing? Page 6 Page 8