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Demand for local goods—and local brands—is growing Proportion of consumers who are Purchasing changes changing their shopping habits during the pandemic 56% 56% Net* The smaller shops in the nt “ 5% 30% 25% area that were selling rre fruit and vegetables— u Local Brands we wanted to support C them so their businesses Shopping in closer Buying more locally 6% 26% 20% wouldn’t go to the wall. neighborhood stores sourced products Male, 40-55, Germany r National Brands te f 23% 15% -8% A Global Brands 79% Decreasing purchases 84% Same as before Increasing purchases nd th th nd Source: Accenture COVID-19 Consumer Pulse Research, conducted 2 -8 June, 16 -22 June. Source: Accenture COVID-19 Consumer Pulse Research, conducted 16th-22nd June 17 *Net purchases measured as the % of consumers increasing purchasing, less the % of consumers decreasing purchasing of these brand types, vs. their purchasing habits in the prior two weeks.

COVID-19: How is the Retail Consumer Changing? - Page 17 COVID-19: How is the Retail Consumer Changing? Page 16 Page 18