Full Report Although man of these capa‚ilities of choices‡ reflecting the management are u‚iŒuitous across the models‡ the co’ordination and organisation alignment focus of investment varies‡ meaning reŒuired—‡ time to adopt –the num‚er of that capa‚ilities are rarel transfera‚leˆ conseŒuences‡ reflecting the time taken For instance‡ Flo­ „onsters and Product for the effects of the choices to resonate Specialists ‚oth call for investment in through the model—‡ and monetar talent‡ ‚ut ­hilst the former relies on investmentˆ –see figure €2— latenc developers and sales teams‡ the ¥iven the constraints ‚anks face‡ onl latter depends on Œuantitative analsts careful selection and adeŒuate focus and industr research e‘pertsˆ –see figure €€— on the model–s— appropriate to them The varing investment reŒuirements ­ill ensure the are not caught in the must also ‚e taken into accountˆ šach clustered mid’marketˆ model varies in comple‘it –the num‚er Figure 12 Investment onsiderations Ris aster Reional Champion rimary arets oerhouse Complexity (# of choices) roduct Specialist lo onster Time to adopt (# of consequences) Size of bubble = relative investment required Source Accenture Research “ š‘iting and do­nsiŽing ‚usinesses ­hich are not value added to our client franchiseˆˆˆ this strateg plas to our strengths and is focused firml on the needs of our clientsˆ” –Sergio šrmotti‡ BS ¥roup š˜‡ Investor Presentation‡ “ovem‚er 2”€€— €•

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