We suspect that once the dust settles on this crisis, many banks will have a new risk lens to apply to their offshoring and outsourcing strategies that may put more emphasisonresilienceandflexibilityandlessonjustloweringcosts.Thiscrisiswill Banks should tell also tell us a lot about the human networks that are critical to banks’ operational resilience,andhowwellthosenetworksperformwhenparticipantsareremoteand many are simultaneouslyill. their shareholders Butwewillwaituntilweareontheothersideofthepandemicwavebeforedealing that short-term with these and other issues, such as whether COVID-19 was a boon or a crisis for FinTechs,whetherbanksregainedlosttrustbybeingexemplarycorporatecitizens in a time of need, and whether the world developed new savings habits as a profit considerations consequenceofnotbeingabletovisitthepubforafewmonths. In the meantime, we hope our deep dive into the implications of COVID-19 for the need to take second retail and commercial banking sector has been useful, and that you found some nugget of insight in these pages. We have consolidated many of the implications place to helping intoachecklistthatsummarizessomeofthingswethinkyoushouldbe considering. And don’t forget to take a look at our cross-industry reports on meeting the stabilize the challenges of leadership, customer serviceand remote workingin the midst of a crisis. economy and setting Staywell,andoverthenextfewmonths,let’scollectivelyshowtheworldwhatthe globalbankingindustrycanofferonitsbestday. a foundation for AlanMcIntyre future growth. AccentureGlobalBankingLeaderonbehalfoftheentireAccentureBanking Practice. 24 COVID-19: Open letter to retail and commercial banking CEOs