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Success Factor 02 Invest heavily in talent to get more from AI investments With a clear AI strategy and strong CEO This makes it much easier to sponsorship, organizations are more likely scale human and AI collaboration to invest heavily in creating data and AI and ensure that AI permeates fluency across their workforces. While AI the organization. proficiency must start at the top, it can’t end there. Nearly half (44%) of Achievers have employees with consistently We found, for example, that 78% of high AI skills competencies, while Achievers—compared with just 56% of Innovators (33%) and Experimenters (30%) Builders and 51% of Experimenters— have significantly fewer such employees, have mandatory AI trainings for most on average. Furthermore, Achievers have employees, from product development employees with higher competencies in engineers to C-suite executives. almost all data- and AI-related skills. Because Achievers prioritize efforts to build AI literacy in their workforces, it’s no surprise that their employees are also more proficient in AI-related skills. The art of AI maturity—Advancing from practice to performance 21

The Art of AI Maturity | Accenture - Page 21 The Art of AI Maturity | Accenture Page 20 Page 22