Operationally innovative banking: the roadmap (1/2) New Now Take control Next Stabilise through New Accelerate the 1–2 months New efficiency future bank 3–6 months New normal 6+ months In addition to the measures banks have already Staggered return Reconfigure the estate taken, things to consider are: • Deploy measures to gradually reinstate full operations, e.g. • Augment the workforce with tools and training to create Evaluate investment portfolio staggered shifts for employees who will return to the cross-skilling that could drive adaptive capacity physical offices, restart strategic change programs that will management, e.g. operations role virtualisation to allow • Prioritise critical organisational capabilities by reviewing help the bank achieve the “new normal” for “universal operations FTE” to manage demand spikes investments required to fulfil short-term needs and shift Right-size the estate • Continue real-estate optimisation initiatives delivery capacity to maintain the most critical systems • Limit “throw-away” spend and make only no-regret • Review all aspects of the business to right-size the • Review governance structures, e.g. adoption of investments organisation, including real-estate optimisation and decentralised vs. centralised decision management workforce skills planning processes Optimise employee capacity • Review location / on-and off-shoring strategy as remote Drive and sustain a core cultural shift • Rapidly enable colleagues to work remotely, including work is increasingly enabled • Review KPIs and metrics to align the organisation around providing the right environment and access to systems and collaboration tools End-to-end digitalisation the bank’s overall objectives in the “new normal” • Management needs to create an environment where there • Repurpose freed-up colleague capacity, e.g. redeploy • Move to streamline processes and adopt a “true paperless” is an incentive to implement changes to propositions, branch staff to support virtual contact centers and excess principle across customer journeys such as customer channels, front-and back-office staff, the customer capacity in mortgage fulfillment to support business loan onboarding, KYC experience and many other areas processing Continued on next slide 19

UK Banks Accelerating to the New Normal - Page 19 UK Banks Accelerating to the New Normal Page 18 Page 20