Operationally innovative banking: the roadmap (2/2) New Now Take control Next Stabilise through New Accelerate the 1–2 months New efficiency future bank 3–6 months New normal 6+ months In addition to the measures banks have already New delivery methods and technology foundation Accelerate new platforms and ecosystem taken, things to consider are: • Drive increased agile and DevOps for continual rapid connectivity Increase engagement with regulators delivery of product enhancements and updates • Double down on the AI, digital and cloud agendas as key • Accelerate API strategy to build connectivity and minimise pillars for the new operating model • Continue engaging regulators to understand all economic cost of building new capabilities • Enable open connectivity into the broader ecosystem, COVID-19 support measures to be rolled out, and the both for front-end product distribution and back-end bank’s role in this Continue to stay close to regulators operations to gain scale at pace • Work with regulators to balance priorities: regulatory • Continuously engage regulators to understand their criteria • Explore new ways to leverage existing bank capabilities to deadline vs. putting in place COVID-19 measures for support, e.g. government may influence credit policy / support the broader social agenda, e.g. digital age and types of loans given address identification, building upon the digital KYC capability Refresh policies • Reflect on learnings from the COVID-19 period to inform and revise risk policies and business continuity plans 20